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Effective Company Timesheet Management


effective timesheet management - company timesheet

 A mobile company timesheet has been proven to transform and simplify the way companies manage their employees and overall, boosts company productivity.

The global rise of remote workers has driven managers to answer the same begging question:

“Do we really know what’s happening onsite?”

Complicated working patterns require more security, health and safety measures that need to be managed and regularly checked at the start and end of each shift.

Paper timesheets are outdated and continue to grow in cost and storage. Excel timesheets can cause errors and the lack of network access in rural areas becomes challenging. Information is often inaccurate, illegible or delayed, which sets back admin and billing processes.

Managers are needing more from their remote workers. Thankfully, there are fully integrated systems that can simplify and transform the time tracking process and productivity levels for all employees, while delivering additional benefits to management, HR and other business areas.

Smooth Transition

The switch from existing paper or Excel timesheet templates to an integrated system is now painless. Most companies like Ultan Technologies can easily take any existing Excel timesheets and convert them to a mobile format.

This means a smooth implementation without disturbing your company’s current workflow.

In case of future timesheet template changes, it is important that all sheets are customisable. With the user-friendly experience being a requirement these days, ‘drag-and-drop’ features make it easy to move elements around.

Tablet - Activity on Site - Company TimesheetMobile Clock in and Out

Use timesheet forms anywhere.

Timesheet data can be stored offline, however, once back in service, users can sync the data into the system. Security parameters can be put into place to ensure the employee clocking in and out has the right permission.

As soon as a worker clocks in, a real-time GPS location can be attached to a timesheet form and track the employee’s location until they clock out. Workers can outline completed tasks and attach photos, videos, signatures and text to their timesheets. Managers can track individual work time and maintain an accurate record of hourly rates for different categories of employees.

Interactions onsite can be recorded in real-time and automatically put into activity Reports and Dashboards. Overall, employees can properly reflect their work progress across different projects or tasks, giving managers a clear view of what’s happening onsite.

 Automatic Process Control and Workflows with Triggers and Alerts

Mobile timesheets can be triggered from other forms that need to be filled in. For instance, a workflow can be set up where a worker can’t submit the timesheet until they complete a vehicle or equipment check.

Pull Up Deep Insights ImmediatelyTeamwork Company Timesheet

Forget the endless search through reports.

Once timesheets are complete, they are accumulated into weekly reports and appear on customisable Reports and Dashboards. The insight on tasks can help prioritise work, refine workflow processes and bring attention to certain roadblocks, leading to better decision making.

A manager can quickly look up the total crew hours or monitor what their employees are working on in real time.

Measure the Added Productivity in One Platform

Mobile company timesheets enables multiple timesheet entries for multiple employees – with the same interface on any device. Employees can track their own performance and output and become mindful of their focus and quality of work.

At Ultan Technologies, we built all these powerful automated timesheet features into mWorkerCIS, our Web, Tablet and Smartphone-based workforce management system that captures information in the field.

The mWorkerCIS timesheet provides the essential structure, transparency and flexibility for field workers. It transforms what was first perceived as a micromanagement task into a mobile-friendly, multipurpose management and productivity tool.

Learn how Ultan Technologies can transform your company’s time management process and boost your team’s productivity today.

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